
16.00  Opening Remarks

Rosalia Vargas, President of Ciência Viva

Nathalie Gontier, Director of the Lisbon Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab

16.30  Evolution, the Big Picture, and Evolution from Upclose

Folmer Bokma, What can Extinct Species Tell us about the Evolution of Living Species?

Douglas Zook, The Dominance of Symbiosis in the Biosphere

17.00  Human Evolution

Emanuele Serrelli, Sloshing in the bucket: Ecology, Biogeography, and descent in recent Models of Human Evolution

Larissa Mendoza,  The Role of Visual Art in HumanEevolution

17.30  Break

18.00  The Evolution of Human Language

Daniel Dor, The Co-Evolution of Language and its Speakers

Mónica Tamariz, How Computer help us examine the Evolution of Language

18.30  Questions and Discussion

19.00  End