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Is Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection the only mechanism whereby life evolves? Is our ability to learn language programmed in our genes? And do cultures, or languages also evolve?
Join us at the Public conference on Beyond Darwin: Recent Advances in Evolutionary Sciences, where renowned international experts will highlight state of the art advancements made in microbiology, paleontology and linguistics.
The language of the event will be English, and the international speakers will highlight the latest advances made in evolutionary sciences in non-technical, general terms, accessible to a wide audience.
The entrance is completely free of charge, but we do kindly ask you to register.
The Public Conference on Beyond Darwin: recent Advances in the Evolutionary Sciences is organized by the new Lisbon Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab http://appeel.fc.ul.pt of the
Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, in collaboration with Ciência Viva and with the support of the American John Templeton Foundation.